About us
Who we are
More about WRA Kenya
Leading the Change for Women's Health and Rights
WRA Kenya is a national people-led movement for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and adolescent health and rights, and gender equality. We advocate for women’s and girls’ voices and demands to lead change at the local, national, and regional level, as well as contribute to shaping the global reproductive health agenda.
Re-igniting the Power in Women and Girls through Advocacy and Action
We advance the self-articulated needs of women and girls through advocacy to shape policies, programming approaches and strategies to improve women’s voice, agency, leadership, and representative participation in decision-making processes in public, private and civic spheres. WRA Kenya provides members with the right tools, trainings, and a nationally and globally connected action networks for change to broaden the reach of their efforts and realize lasting change.
Angela Nguku
About WRA Kenya Executive Director
Angela Nguku is the driving force behind White Ribbon Alliance Kenya, championing Reproductive,
Maternal, and Newborn Health (RMNH) from the lens of the user. A graduate midwife and a passionate
advocate, her advocacy resonates deeply, pushing for the prioritization of the self-articulated needs of
women, girls, and newborns and midwives in under-resourced regions. Angela played a critical role in the
unprecedented and transformative What Women Want Campaign, emphasizing the ASK-LISTEN-ACT
approach, which reshaped programming by centering on the articulated needs of end-users.